Nine Bar Ranch Blog

Wildlife Management in TX

wildlife management in TX

All around us, you find people who land on every point of the spectrum. We see those who venerate the environment, those who put an appreciable amount of effort into caring for it, those who put in minor effort, and those who have no regard for the surrounding land. Nature is clamoring for more people who are passionate about serving the environment, including conservation efforts, property rights, wildlife population management, and stewarding resources. As humans commercialize the planet, tension between people and wildlife is ameliorated. The goal of wildlife management is to ensure that wildlife populations are stable or increasing, maintaining consistent hunting and fishing availability, and protecting the rights of animals.

Wildlife management encompasses several principles from economic development and costs to keeping wildlife populations at bay. It’s necessary that organizations find a utilitarian balance between economic development decisions and free consumption of natural resources so that both humans and wildlife are considered. In working towards economic development, the cost of commercialization plus safety risk to nearby families are a part of the equation. In regards to fishing, local communities need to partner with a variety of agencies to curb illegal fishing and poaching. This allows individuals with the appropriate rights to reap the benefit.. Finally, it’s crucial that population management takes into account the geographical area involved, such as north Texas deer hunting, so that a species does not decrease to an unhealthy level. 

In regards to population management, humans have been hunting and trapping for an extensive amount of time. This was the way in which people provided the necessities for their communities. In today’s world, the heritage continues where we see a generation of both men and women who enjoy numerous hunting seasons. 

Changes in wildlife populations are not only observed by hunters and gatherers, but also by organizations and agencies whose purpose is to pay close attention to subtle alterations in the environment. Synonymous to humans, wildlife are sensitive to changes in the environment, therefore we can appreciate a significant amount of information by taking notice. This information clues us in to how we are affecting animals, and potentially, how we may be affected by the changes as well.

Now that you understand basic principles and the “why” of wildlife management, it’s time to move on to the necessary ingredients or the “how to” of environmental care. What are the necessary components of a competent wildlife manager? First and foremost, they need to understand the elements that precipitate healthy wildlife populations. 

Similar to the way in which a human’s environment can influence their ability to maintain homeostasis, or a state of internal equilibrium, an animal’s habitat plays a large role in its well-being. Food, water, air, shelter, and an open space to live are five key ingredients in the life of both humans and wildlife. Not only is the presence of these five ingredients important, but it’s crucial that they exist in appropriate ratios. If any of these components are lacking, it may inhibit the flourishing of an animal species, therefore it becomes the limiting factor. 

Another term relating to wildlife management is carrying capacity. Defined as the number of animals that can live in a specific region within a one year time span without damaging the environment or causing starvation, carrying capacity demands the attention of the wildlife manager. If there are too many animals in a geographical area, they will deplete the available resources, leaving the environment in a depleted state. On the other hand, if resources are lacking in an area, weaker animals will face opponents such as starvation and disease as well as an inability to ward off predators. In other situations, natural disasters may ruin habitat, ruining food and shelter. 

A wildlife manager needs to have a developed understanding of factors that lead to the oscillation of birth and death rates. Factors that affect death rate include climate extremes, development of land, diseases, parasites, etc. Each year, the factors that influence death rates play a role in creating a cyclical rhythm of nature. Many variables play into this cycle, especially the occurrence of different seasons, gestation periods, resource availability, etc. The wildlife manager works to create an environment in which the animal population is somewhat controlled. This allows for the carrying capacity to find a happy medium.  At the same time, they also need to have a general understanding of the health of the ecosystem.. 

Hunting and trapping still remains one of the most successful ways to control wildlife populations, especially because of the boundaries put in place. These regulations maintain the well-being of wildlife populations, protect the habitat, and keep populations within carrying capacity. Other common methods used to gain knowledge on the fluctuance of wildlife populations are research and harvest surveys.

The health of a human being is dependent upon how well it is managed. Similarly, the future and prosperity of wildlife relies upon how well it is controlled. Not only are management programs responsible for wildlife health, but other people are as well. It requires effort from the entire community. Support local wildlife and conservation agencies and don’t be afraid to educate yourself and others about the surrounding world.

Hunting Requirements in Texas

hunting requirements in texas

For the average person, specific hunting requirements in Texas aren’t the first thing to cross the mind when pondering wildlife. On the other hand, for an ardent hunter, these requirements can potentially determine whether or not you score a trophy. Just as an individual cannot disregard the rules and regulations set in place by their employer, hunters cannot dismiss the laws and regulations implemented by various wildlife departments.

Not only is it preeminent to be aware of the designated hunting seasons for all animals, it’s also crucial that you understand all of the local rules before you step foot in the woods. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is responsible for these regulations in our area, and they also issue hunting licenses and oversee wildlife harvesting. 

Often, regulations are consistent from year to year, but there is always a possibility that a law will be added or rescinded from one year to the next. One highly variant law delineates the areas in which hunting is permitted. Because this is determined by the current populations of wildlife, each year, the regulations can differ. 

A young child agog at the prospect of journeying out on their first hunting adventure is a thrilling sight to see. Before they begin, it’s crucial to know that any child under the age of nine needs to be accompanied by someone that is 17 or older with a hunting license who has successfully passed a hunter’s education class. When someone is between the ages of nine and 16, they are able to take a hunter’s education class, but they still need to be accompanied by someone over the age of 17 in order to hunt. In addition, there are special youth hunting seasons for white-tailed deer, waterfowl, turkeys, and squirrels. 

With regards to hunters of all ages, this article will dive deeper into the methods by which a trophy can be obtained. Six general guidelines provide an outline for legal methods of obtaining your next wildlife trophy in Texas. It is legal to hunt non-migratory game birds and animals specifically from motor vehicles, sailboat, power boats, or other floating devices that are operating within private property. You are permitted to use decoys when hunting game animals and non-migratory game birds, but not when hunting migratory game birds.

It is lawful for an individual to use calling devices, recordings, or other electronic calls when tracking down migratory game birds. Except during Light Goose Conservation Order season, electronic calls are not allowed when hunting non-migratory game birds. It is legal to trap exotic/nongame animals such as feral hogs or rabbits on private property. Any person is permitted to use a dog as an aid when hunting any game bird. Finally, you are allowed to utilize bait for game and nongame animals as well as upland game birds (except Eastern turkey and migratory game birds). 

You may think that the type of firearm or weapon can be written off, but it turns out, the way that you go about taking down your trophy is significant. In Texas, any legal firearms are authorized for animals and non-migratory birds except for some specific weapons in relation to certain species of animals. Rimfire ammunition is not permitted when hunting white-tailed deer, mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, or pronghorn. During the spring Eastern turkey season, shotguns are the only authorized weapons. Muzzleloaders, which includes any firearm that is loaded through the muzzle, are not permitted. During muzzleloader deer seasons, only muzzleloader firearms are allowed. Lastly, there are only restrictions on magazine capacity when tracking migratory game birds. 

Regarding arrow guns, air guns, and pre-charged pneumatics, TPWD’s website has more in-depth regulations for these weapons. There are also more detailed specifics on archery and crossbows. 

Wounding loss is a necessary aspect when considering the variety of weapons that a hunter can use. Most importantly, know and understand the limitations of whatever weapon you decide to utilize. Also, a difference in brand or model will affect ballistic performances and effectiveness. The distance within which the animal is shot influences the wounding loss. Though large animals have been harvested at ranges of 150 yards or greater, the suggested range is less than 75 yards. In minimizing suffering and inhibiting wounding loss, the accuracy of the hunter is key. When a shot can pierce through a major organ (i.e. heart or kidney), wounding loss is decreased. Most importantly, hunters should attempt to take ethical shots that will limit wounding loss as much as possible.

Before you enter the woods, be sure that you are aware of all local regulations. A lack of understanding or knowledge could endanger not only yourself, but other hunters and wildlife. Taking an initiative on the need-to-knows will ensure that each hunting experience is one to remember.