Nine Bar Ranch Blog

North Texas Hunting Ranch Tips for New Hunters

North Texas Hunting Ranch Tips for New Hunters

Considering the rise in population since 1982, it’s surprising that there has been an overall drop in hunting enthusiasts since then. The drop in hunters endangers funds vital to supporting conservation efforts, which is why each hunter should be encouraged to teach hunting to young people within their families and communities. Today, we’re sharing our North Texas Hunting Ranch tips for new hunters in the hopes that they are helpful for you and any new hunters you may teach in the future.

Learn From a Mentor

YouTube and Instagram are entertaining, but they are no substitution for the invaluable knowledge you’ll gain by learning from an experienced mentor. Choose someone patient, lighthearted, and dedicated to the sport. Next, tag along when invited, and work hard to watch, listen, and learn as much as you can in the time you’re given.

You need to gather skills in scouting, stalking, calling, shooting, butchering, processing, and cooking. This list may seem daunting at first, but it also shows there’s never going to be a point at which you’ve learned all there is to know! This aspect of hunting is what keeps many enthusiasts engaged year after year. 

Skip Expensive Gear at First

For many new hunters, it’s tempting to splash out on high-end gear, from camouflage and boots to the best blinds and navigation tools on the market. While there’s nothing wrong with investing in your hobbies, it’s a good idea to spend time out in the wild, waiting for hours in the crisp early morning air, before you go all in.

As long as your clothing is suitable to the season, reasonably waterproof, quiet, and not bright and flashy, you may find you don’t need to expand your wardrobe until the year following your first. 

Choose One Species as Your Focus

For your first hunting season, you might feel excited about exploring all the species you can hunt in your neck of the woods. At Nine Bar Ranch, for example, over a dozen exotic species are available to hunt—and we recommend taking advantage of as many hunting packages as you can.

However, for now, choose the species local to you that you’re the most motivated to hunt. Then, spend time studying this species’s anatomy, behavior, movement, and sounds. Learn to stay as still as possible for as long as possible until you are able to reliably take down game most of the time you have the opportunity.

Get to Know Your Hunting Grounds

The first step in getting to know your species, though, will be learning your hunting ground intimately. Whether or not you’re actively hunting, get outside and learn the topography, weather patterns, typical sounds, and other animals that inhabit those same woods. 

Embrace the Process, Not the Bag

As important as the results are to many hunters, we think it’s important that new hunters learn to embrace the process of hunting instead of deeming their hunts “successes” or “failures” based on whether or not they return home with a “trophy.” There’s value to be found in becoming completely familiar with preparing your gear, getting up early, choosing your hiding spot, putting your phone on silent, and settling down for a long, peaceful wait.

Finding happiness in displaying the discipline required to execute this routine repeatedly is, in our opinion, the mark of a hunter who has a long, happy hunting career ahead of them.

What to Hunt in Texas in Early Spring

what to hunt in texas in early spring

​In our great Lone Star State, we enjoy excellent hunting all year round. Depending on the county where you’re hunting, the hunting season, and rules governing that specific year, your hunting options will vary. With that in mind, let’s talk about what to hunt in Texas in early spring. Bow hunters, crossbow hunters, and rifle hunters be sure to share your favorite early spring game in the comments.

Which Game Animals Come into Season in Early Spring in 2022?

Rio Grande Turkey

North Zone: April 2 – May 15

South Zone: March 19 – May 1

Special Limit Season (1 turkey): April 1 – 30

Youth Hunters:

March 26 – 27

May 21 – 22

Eastern Turkey

April 22 – May 14

Turkey hunting in Texas has an annual bag limit, which applies in and across all counties: (4) turkeys are permitted per hunter, with no more than (1) of which shall be an Eastern turkey.

Exotic Game Animals

Texas imposes no limits on the hunting season for non-native exotic animals, nor do they impose any state bag limits, possession limits, or closed seasons on exotic wild game. At Nine Bar Ranch, we know our hunters want to know what to hunt in Texas in early spring. You may enjoy hunting year-round on species that include, but are not limited to:


The aoudad, or Barbary sheep, stands from 2.5 to 3.6 feet tall at the shoulder, and weighs 66 to 320 pounds. Their immense horns curve out, back, then inward, and can be over 3 feet long. Their horns are mostly smooth, though small ripples appear at the base as the sheep ages.


The axis, or chital deer, stands from 23 to 35 inches high at the shoulder. Males are much larger than females. Males have antlers that are three-pronged and nearly 40 inches long.

Blackbuck Antelope

The blackbuck is a strikingly-colored antelope native to Nepal and India. In addition to bright white chins and eye areas, males sport bright white underbellies and inner legs. In contrast, their backs and the outside of their legs are deep brown to black. They stand from 29 to 33 inches high at the shoulder. Males weigh up to 125 pounds, with an average of 85 pounds.


Fallow deer stand 33 to 37 inches at the shoulder and weigh 130 to 220 pounds. Fawns are born in the spring, making this season a great opportunity to see fawns sprinting around the ranch.


Sika deer are widespread in Japan. The stags have thick, high antlers which are usually forked. Antlers of this species range from 11 to more than 30 inches.

Red Deer

The red deer is one of the world’s largest deer species, standing 37 to 51 inches high at the shoulder. Their size, widespread range, and ability to adapt to many climates make them favorites of hunters throughout the world.

Scimitar Horned Oryx

The scimitar oryx is a majestic animal that is extinct in the world, but thrives in human-provided habitats. Scimitar horned oryx stand 39 inches at the shoulder. Their smooth, swooping horns are prized by hunters.